Falling in love? What’s that look like?

Falling in love. We’ve all done it. And even those of us who write about it are sometimes at a loss of how to describe the wonderful, frantic, breathless, amazing feeling of the fall. What if you had to describe falling in love, visually? What medium would you use?
Part of my job as an edgy-inspirational-contemporary-foodie romance novelist is to inspire. There’s no law says I have to do it only in written form. For myself, and other authors, sometimes we have to be inspired to write about romance. We’re only human, after all. Sometimes I head over to one of my Pinterest pages. Sometimes I’ll light some candles or have a glass of wine, but it can still be difficult to stir up romance if you’re at the end of a hellish day. When you can’t prompt the right words to put pen-to-paper it helps to get an assist from other artistic mediums.
I’m inspired by romance wherever I see it and that’s often in music and dance. One of my favorite inspire-ers is Earl Klugh with his smooth sexy/sweet guitar stylings. And I’ve got a soft spot for ballroom. I figured out a way to be inspired and never let it be said I’m not a sharer.
So click on the video in the sidebar (upper right) to check out the stunningly romantic dance interpretation of falling in love. This video was created and choreographed specifically for Ava Bleu readers.
As you recover from Thanksgiving and are searching for ways to work off that meal from a week ago that still feels like it’s living in your arteries, let this video be motivation.
Have you danced with your boo, lately?

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